Hypothesis of a thousand and six hundred furlongs
Andrew |
Date: Tuesday, 02.07.2019, 06:50 |
Post # 1 |
Group: Administrators
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And the winepress was trodden without the city, and blood came out of the winepress, even unto the horse bridles, by the space of a thousand [and] six hundred furlongs. (Revelation 14:20)
1600 furlongs (US) = 321869,4 meters
In fact, in the Greek text the word "stadion" (στάδιον) is used. 1 Greek (Olympic) stadion is equal to 185 meters.
1600 stadion = 296 000 meters
It would be very strange if this vision had any literal realization in this world. Even if we accept that we are talking about some kind of mass clouding of the mind of many people, it is not clear why this clouding is limited only to a certain part of the earth. At the current level of development of the means of communication, any negative information can excite religious people at a much greater distance from the scene.
Therefore, I suggest using other keys to explain this prophecy.
The image of horses is an image of power (spirit), in Revelation it refers to the Christian religion. Similarly, in the Bible, the image of a camel refers to Rabbinic Judaism.
[Ye] blind guides, which strain at a gnat, and swallow a camel. (Matthew 23:24)
We see this image in the apocalyptic picture from another, non-canonical book of the Bible:
And dung of men unto the camel’s hough. (2 Esdras 15:36)
Obviously, this verse is very similar to the verse from Revelation, which refers to horses and trampled grapes.
Human dung, with which Rabbinic Judaism is full, has been accumulated for a very long time, this is a historical process. Therefore, the numerical value of 1600 I would refer not to the spatial, but to the time interval. Turning back to the past, we see that it was in the 400s that the fall of Christians into the paws of the beast of the Roman Empire occurred. This happened about 1600 years ago.
The sad outcome of this terrible seduction will be the final collapse of the Christian religion after the construction of the Temple in accordance with the prophecy of Ezekiel. That is, we see that the false spirit acting in the Christian religion is not from Jesus Christ, this spirit is not from Pentecost, which was in the 32nd year. The spirit of the Christian religion stems from the future collapse of this great seduction.
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Andrew |
Date: Tuesday, 02.07.2019, 08:01 |
Post # 2 |
Group: Administrators
Posts: 701
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Behold, the time shall come, that these tokens which I have told thee shall come to pass, and the bride shall appear, and she coming forth shall be seen, that now is withdrawn from the earth. And whosoever is delivered from the foresaid evils shall see my wonders. For my son Jesus shall be revealed with those that be with him, and they that remain shall rejoice within four hundred years. After these years shall my son Christ die, and all men that have life. And the world shall be turned into the old silence seven days, like as in the former judgments: so that no man shall remain. And after seven days the world, that yet awaketh not, shall be raised up, and that shall die that is corrupt And the earth shall restore those that are asleep in her, and so shall the dust those that dwell in silence, and the secret places shall deliver those souls that were committed unto them. And the most High shall appear upon the seat of judgment, and misery shall pass away, and the long suffering shall have an end: But judgment only shall remain, truth shall stand, and faith shall wax strong: And the work shall follow, and the reward shall be shewed, and the good deeds shall be of force, and wicked deeds shall bear no rule.
(2 Esdras 7:26-35)
Here we read about the 400-year period, which fits well with the 1600-year period, which, I suppose, is stated in Revelation 14:20. This makes it clear to us how Jesus Christ can die in 400 years after some events. Here we are talking about the death of Jesus Christ, who was embodied in the original Church. Instead of the true Jesus Christ, the spirit of the Antichrist triumphed in the church. It was the death of the Church, I already wrote about this on the forum: Voices of Seven Thunders .
It is possible that the 7-day period mentioned in the prophecy of 2 Esdras is equivalent to the 7-year period in the prophecy of Daniel.
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Andrew |
Date: Tuesday, 02.07.2019, 10:00 |
Post # 3 |
Group: Administrators
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For the world hath lost his youth, and the times begin to wax old. For the world is divided into twelve parts, and the ten parts of it are gone already, and half of a tenth part: And there remaineth that which is after the half of the tenth part.
(2 Esdras 14:10-12)
Ezra, to whom this book is attributed, arrived in Jerusalem about 458 BC. Accordingly, the events described in 2 Esdras occurred after the middle of the millennium, which was before the birth of Christ.
The remaining two and a half thousand years, referred to in 2 Esdras, correspond to the expected time of the Second Coming of Jesus Christ.
And the entire term of 12 thousand years, about which it is written in 2 Esdras, corresponds to 6 days (millennia) of Creation plus 6 thousand years that have passed since the time of Adam, according to the genealogies of the Bible.
Therefore, the prophetic chronology 2 Esdras fits well with the chronology of other books of the Bible, and I would advise not to neglect this book, using it as a clue to understand other Bible prophecies that are difficult to understand.
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Andrew |
Date: Tuesday, 02.07.2019, 19:04 |
Post # 4 |
Group: Administrators
Posts: 701
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Of course, we must remember that 2 Esdras, like some other books of the Bible, were written at a different time than we might think when reading these books.
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