The Temple According to the Prophecy of Ezekiel
Andrew |
Date: Tuesday, 13.12.2022, 13:02 |
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The new book "The Temple According to the Prophecy of Ezekiel, Project 1534" is published in Russian (PDF, in full) and in English (PDF, partially translated). The originals of the book in OpenOffice 4.0.1 format - in Russian, in English (partially translated).

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Andrew |
Date: Tuesday, 13.12.2022, 13:08 |
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I don't translate the rest of the book into English because I don't speak English, and translating with Google Translate requires checking with texts in English translations of the Bible, which may differ from the original Hebrew and from the Russian translation I'm working with. You can translate this book into any language yourself using Google translation, but some things will not be translated correctly.
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Andrew |
Date: Friday, 16.12.2022, 01:31 |
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In the book of the prophet Haggai 2 :10,18,20 one day is mentioned three times: Kislev 24. It is to this date that the words are attached: “I will shake the heavens and the earth; And I will overthrow the throne of kingdoms, and I will destroy the strength of the kingdoms of the heathen; and I will overthrow the chariots, and those that ride in them; and the horses and their riders shall come down, every one by the sword of his brother.”
Day 24 of Kislev is the eve of Hanukkah. Hanukkah has been celebrated since 25 Kislev 8 days. The main rite of the holiday is the sequential lighting of candles on a special nine-candle lamp, on which one candle, “shamash”, stands higher than the other eight candles. From this candle, the rest of the candles are lit, from right to left, on the first day of the holiday - one candle, on the second - two, and so on up to eight candles on the last day of Hanukkah. It is easy to understand that this should symbolize the Awakening, when from the cry “Behold, the bridegroom cometh; go ye out to meet him,” the sleeping believers wake up, and those who have a supply of the Holy Spirit begin to “shine”, that is, to fulfill the commandments entrusted to them (the commandment is a lamp).
Thus, on the first day of the holiday, 2 candles, a shamash and the 1st candle are lit, on the second day - 3 candles, etc.
If it were the custom to light only shamash at the beginning, then this would correspond to Kislev 24.
That is, Kislev 24 is the day “zero”, when something happens behind the scenes, but then everyone is ignited from this.
We can compare this image with the opening of the seals in the 6th chapter of the Revelation of John, when the day of the taking of the scroll by the Lamb is somewhere in heaven, but then riders on horseback descend to earth. Then the 1st seal is the 1st day of Hanukkah, the 2nd seal is the 2nd day of Hanukkah, and so on until the 5th seal, because the 6th seal is already an “earthquake”, when it is too late to flee to the Kingdom of Heaven.
But pray ye that your flight be not in the winter, neither on the SABBATH day: For then shall be GREAT TRIBULATION, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be. (Matthew 24:20,21)
For the current Hanukkah 2022, the 6th candle is the SABBATH candle.
The five wise virgins must have already been in the Kingdom of Heaven before that, and if not, GREAT TRIBULATION will overtake them.
After the 6th candle, the 7th candle is lit on December 24 in the evening, this is already a new month, Tevet, the 1st day of the month. On that day, Esther was taken to King Artaxerxes. And on the 2nd day of Tevet, on the 8th day of Hanukkah, the king placed a royal crown on the head of Esther, she became queen. Esther is a type of the Church. She is Jewish, but hides her origin.
And another important detail - immediately after the election of Esther as queen, Haman, the eighth of the seven first princes in the Persian kingdom, was exalted. Anti-Semite Haman is a type of Antichrist.
Additionally, the 7th day of Hanukkah, the date Esther was taken to King Artaxerxes, coincides with the day, month, and year of the commencement of divorce proceedings with strange wives in Jerusalem (see Ezra 10:16). The secret Jewess became queen when the Jews began to part with their pagan wives.
If we now return to the book of Revelation, then after the 6th seal, which shakes those who live on earth, that is, in religions, the 7th seal is broken - we see the general assembly and church of the firstborn, which are written in heaven. These are the people who live in the Heavenly Kingdom. These people rejoice at the Second Coming of Christ, and this distinguishes them from those believers who flee in horror from the coming Day of the Lord.
The 8th day of Hanukkah in 2022 falls on the evening of December 25th.
Further, according to Revelation, there follows about “half an hour” of silence in heaven, that is, among those living in the Heavenly Kingdom. If we count a day as a year, and as you know, there are 12 hours in a day, then “half an hour” corresponds to half a month. This means that somewhere in the middle of January 2023, the trumpets of the angels will begin...
Based on the fact that the Third Temple will be built by the 1st day of the 7th month of Tishrei in 2023, the repentance of Judaism and the acceptance by the Jewish people of the Temple and the Second Coming of Jesus Christ in the person of the elect who appeared at the eastern gates of the Temple will take place by the day of fasting on 17 Tammuz 2026. This should be the time when the “woman” who fled into the “wilderness” will be able to return to her “man child”, who was raptured to the throne of God in the Third Temple. Counting back 1260 days from Tammuz 17, 2026, we get January 19, 2023, when this “woman” runs away into the wilderness.
Who or what is this “woman” running from? From the devil, who lets muddy waters out of his mouth, from the “beast” that comes out of the sea, that is, from the world. The beginning of the “beast” is the “star of the Wormwood”, the leader who will seduce, lead away and destroy carnal Christians who remain “of the earth”, that is, in denominations.
That is, the 3rd trumpet should be on January 19, 2023. Accordingly, the first two trumpets of angels will be a little earlier.
As you know, the book of Leviticus lists 7 feasts of the Lord. They can be compared with the seven lamps of the menorah. But there is also Hanukkiah - a Hanukkah lamp with nine candles. We can explain the addition of two additional candles by two additional feasts of the Lord, which were given to Israel after the writing of the book of Leviticus. The first holiday is Hanukkah, and its incarnation in Jesus Christ is that during the days of this holiday, Mary became pregnant from the Holy Spirit.
The Jewish calendar has a different number of months in a year, and the length of the year can be from 353 to 385 days. Trying on for 2022, if a woman became pregnant on the 8th day of Hanukkah, December 25, and gave birth to a baby on the 8th day of the month of Tishrei, as happened with the birth of Jesus Christ, then the gestation period is 272 days. The average duration of a normal pregnancy in women is 266-270 days, with extreme values of 250-285 days. We see that in the case of the birth of Jesus, it looks quite natural if a cloud overshadowed Mary on the last day of Hanukkah, corresponding to the day after Esther was taken to bed with King Artaxerxes. We can also expand the image of Mary's pregnancy to the image of the pregnancy of the “woman” from the 12th chapter of the Revelation of John. We know that the “birth” of this “male child” is an act of entry of those the elect from the four winds into the eastern gates of the Temple, which will begin on the 1st day of Tishrei, on Yom Terua, and end on the 10th day of Tishrei, on Yom Kippur, when the gates will be closed forever. Then the term of pregnancy of this “woman clothed with the sun”, that is, clothed in Christ, must also be counted from the 8th day of Hanukkah, from the taking of Esther to King Artaxerxes.
From the evening of December 25, 2022 to the closing of the eastern gate of the Temple on September 25, 2023, the time interval is 274 days, which is also a completely normal pregnancy period.
Now the main scheme of feasts of the Lord in the expanded “nine-candle” form will be as follows:
1. Hanukkah - the conception of Jesus Christ by Mary 2. Pesach - the death of Jesus Christ 3. Unleavened bread - cleansing from the “leavens” of the disciples who mourn for Jesus 4. The first Sheaf - the resurrection of Jesus Christ 5. Pentecost - the descent of the Holy Spirit on the first church in Jerusalem 6. Yom Terua - the beginning of “childbirth”, the manifestation of the glory of the Lord at the eastern gate of the Temple 7. Yom Kippur - the end of “childbirth”, announced the appearance of the Lord God of Israel 8. Simchat Torah - “circumcision” of Emmanuel, the city of Yahweh Shammah in the 4th year of the Temple 9. Purim - lot about the division of the land between the resurrected tribes of Israel
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Andrew |
Date: Saturday, 17.12.2022, 10:41 |
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Today, December 17, 2022, starting from the evening, the 24th day of Kislev, about which the prophet Haggai spoke.
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Andrew |
Date: Saturday, 31.12.2022, 22:48 |
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Some signs have been recorded.
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Andrew |
Date: Sunday, 01.01.2023, 16:37 |
Post # 6 |
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It is difficult to predict what events will take place in this world at the first trumpet, at the end of the first decade of January. The collapse of the "beast" is the global financial crisis, the defeat of the "head of the beast", that is, the United States. But the second trumpet should also have other signs in its asset: wars, famines, epidemics and earthquakes. Worldly people are not able to see the secret signs, but they are quite capable of seeing what is happening in this world. The destruction of this world will be for them the "Mountain of Olives" of the Second Coming of Christ, which will fall on them in flames from the Kingdom of Heaven. It will convert many to religion, and it will become a trap for them, and for all the rest that are enslaved to the denominations of Christianity. Pagans will pour into religion, and religion will lose all aspirations for the truth of God, and will become just a place to conjure material wealth. The wound on the head of the "beast" will quickly heal, and inspired by this "miracle", huge masses of people will go "to nowhere", becoming a scapegoat, believing in the mirage of "peace and security".
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Andrew |
Date: Friday, 06.01.2023, 19:46 |
Post # 8 |
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Removal of the first seal. The video is in Russian, you need to watch it on YouTube and include the translation.
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Andrew |
Date: Saturday, 07.01.2023, 02:33 |
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Former Pope Benedict XVI died on December 31st. If the pope had not been a former one, then a conclave would have to meet, and it would begin between January 14 and 19. January 19 is the deadline for the start of the conclave. In the scheme where the "star of Wormwood" is considered the beginning of the "beast" and the moment of flight of the "woman" into the desert, the countdown of 1260 days from Tammuz 17, 2026, the 6th seal, when Judaism will cease to hinder the "kings from the rising of the sun" and the "woman" will be able to to make aliyah so that after "three hours" (2 Esdras 6:24), that is, after three months, the city of Yahweh Shammah appeared in Simchat Torah 2026 in Israel, - January 19, 2023 is the date of the fall of the "star Wormwood", revealing carnal leader, followed by the Christian religion, the "third part" of the waters, sun, moon, stars, day and night.

Then Shevat-2023 is the 1st month of the beast, Shevat-2024 is the 13th month of the beast, Shevat-2025 is the 26th month of the beast (a leap year from Adar II), Shevat-2026 is the 38th, Adar, Nisan, Iyar, Sivan is the 42nd month of the beast, at the end, on June 16, 2026, the 5th bowl of wrath "and his kingdom was full of darkness." After this, Judaism begins to see clearly, and the Church hiding in the desert can return to its children, they recognize as their own those who were with them earlier. That is, the one who is "male child" - he is born and he enters the eastern gate of the Temple. Those who give birth to a "male child" hide from the serpent. "The remnant of her seed," that goes to fight against Satan in the denominations, is killed fighting the beast. And after the perfect overthrow of the power of the holy people, the bowls of wrath from within undermine those involved in the construction of this world, as Neo in the famous film blows up Agent Smith from the inside. First, Judaism gives slack, recognizing Yeshua as the Messiah, recognizing the Temple of God and recognizing the elect as the manifestation of God. Then the rest of the Church gathers in Israel, and the word coming from Heaven, into Simchat Torah, will be so talented and strong that no one can stand against it. Then, on Purim, the nations allow the chosen ones to receive by lot allotments of land within the borders of Ezekiel, including Lebanon, part of Syria to Hamath, in the south to El-Arish. This is how the United Tribes of Israel are born on earth. The patience and the faith of the saints. Blessed is he that waiteth, and cometh.
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Andrew |
Date: Sunday, 08.01.2023, 19:05 |
Post # 10 |
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This is generally an amazing story, because the exact location of the future Temple was found 10 years ago, and the 3d model of the Temple was ready already in 2020 (the altar - in 2021). And until now, the reading public behaves like a dead man, not reacting to any signs that are happening in this world.
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Andrew |
Date: Sunday, 08.01.2023, 19:07 |
Post # 11 |
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Visualization of Ezekiel 47:1-12 (please use subtitles with translation):
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Andrew |
Date: Sunday, 08.01.2023, 20:15 |
Post # 12 |
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I can post current information here:
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Andrew |
Date: Monday, 09.01.2023, 02:27 |
Post # 13 |
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The devil is in a terrible rage, his time is running out. The expected date of the first three trumpets of angels is from January 9 to January 19, 2023.
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Andrew |
Date: Tuesday, 10.01.2023, 23:18 |
Post # 14 |
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Maybe someone who has a Teudat Zehut will write to the Government of Israel and members of the Knesset that the time has come to build the Temple described by Ezekiel? You can point them to the ruins of the altar of Abraham in the Judean Desert, you can send them the book "The Temple According to the Prophecy of Ezekiel, Project 1534". I can't do it because I'm nobody to them.
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Andrew |
Date: Monday, 30.01.2023, 21:45 |
Post # 15 |
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Some changes have been made to the Temple model. The size of 6 cubits given in Ezekiel 40:12 is now interpreted differently. 3d model files have been updated. Diagrams and illustrations have been corrected in the book.
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