Ezekiel's Temple

Tour of the Temple of Ezekiel's vision





The 3D model of the Third Temple was created

 according to Ezekiel's prophecy, and it was determined location of

 the Third Temple in the Judean desert

Tuesday, 28.01.2025



...that they may all be one; even as You,
Father, are in Me and I in You, that they
also may be in Us, so that the world
may believe that You sent Me.

   (John 17:21)






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Ezekiel 40

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Ezekiel 46

Ezekiel 47

Ezekiel 48

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Forum for the construction of Ezekiel's Temple, the Third Temple of Israel

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  • 3D models of buildings of the Third Temple
  • How the location of the Temple is determined
  • Where can you download the 3D model of Ezekiel's Temple?
  • Armageddon, where the Christian religion as a naked whore
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    Large Hadron Collider, James Webb Telescope and Ezekiel
    Andrew Date: Friday, 30.12.2022, 13:32 | Post # 1
    Group: Administrators
    Posts: 701
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    According to the projections of spiritual reality on the reality of this world that I observe, expressed in signs, events lead us to the construction of the Third Temple in 2023.

    From the Bible we know the date of the beginning of Ezekiel's prophecy. We can build a chain of events in the first chapters of the book of the prophet Ezekiel, and we see that the prophet was released from the bonds on the 1st day of Tishrei, Yom Terua, when, according to our ideas about the incarnation of the Second Coming of Christ, the eastern gates of the Temple should open for the entrance of the elect from the four winds.

    According to the rule of interpretation of the Holy Scriptures, unspecified periods of time are considered the minimum possible. We have some ambiguity whether this rule should be used for the sequence of 390 and 40 days, whether the prophet ate tasty food between lying on his left and right side. If Ezekiel did not eat in this interval, then in the prophecy of Ezekiel 1 day is added only 2 times - between the beginning of the prophecy and 7 days in astonished among the captives, and between the first public appearance of the prophet, besieging a brick with the inscription “Jerusalem”, and the beginning of lying in bonds.

    Ezekiel 1:1 - 5th day of Tammuz - July 4, 2022 -   (LHC became operational again on 22 April 2022 with a new maximum beam energy of 6.8 TeV which was first achieved on 25 April It officially commenced its run 3 physics season on July 5, 2022.)  - The gaze of the eyes is fixed on the microcosm.

    +1 day

    Ezekiel 3:15 - +7 days - July 12, 2022 - (The first full-color images and spectroscopic data were released on 12 July 2022, which also marked the official beginning of Webb's general science operations.) - The gaze of the eyes is fixed on the boundaries of the Universe.

    +1 day

    Ezekiel 4:5 - +390 days - August 7, 2023 - 20th day of Av

    Ezekiel 4:6 - +40 days - September 16, 2023 - 1st day of Tishrei, Yom Terua, the beginning of the entry of the elect from the four winds into the eastern gates of the Temple.

    The power of signs should increase gradually. The breaking of the seals is a sign that only believers can see. Trumpets are more serious events that affect everyone. While the 6th Seal might seem to shock all believers at the same time, it may not actually be a one-time event. In heaven, time is arranged differently, and what John saw almost 2,000 years ago undoubtedly shocked him himself - but it does not reach us simultaneously with him, and not simultaneously with each other. Therefore, speaking of signs, everyone can see “their” signs, and this shocks him when his turn comes.

    It was a shock to Mary when she became pregnant by the Holy Spirit, but others were not immediately affected by this event. If we correlate the 8th day of Hanukkah as the conditional day of impregnation of the “woman” from the 12th chapter of Revelation, then the “male child” in her womb is gradually formed, and the idea of the Temple as a gathering place for the elect from the four winds will gradually crystallize among believers all over the world.

    I saw two signs on Hanukkah 2022: the outflow of liquid in outer space from the Soyuz spacecraft, and the destruction of the world's largest aquarium (a symbol of religion, where worldly people still remain “fish”, but graze in an artificial reservoir). And another sign at the end of Hanukkah was brought to me in a blog I subscribed to: scientists have found that the speed of the winds on Earth has decreased by 33% over the past 30 years. This correlates with the holding of 4 winds of heaven by four angels, while 33% is associated with the Christian religion, as in other places of Revelation, where it is said about the third part of something - “tritos” is consonant with “three Theos”, the Trinity as a hallmark of the Christian religion.

    If everything is correct, and the opening of the seals of Revelation took place on Hanukkah, then the events of the trumpets will begin in “half an hour”, that is, in half a month after that. Apparently, there will be a polarization of believers on the issue of Israel. Then the 1st trumpet is the words from those who live according to the Spirit against those of the flesh in denominations, and the 2nd trumpet is the words from those who live according to the Spirit against this world, pointing everyone to the Second Coming of Jesus Christ. And the 3rd trumpet, which is supposed to be around January 19th, is the appearance of the leader of carnal Christians, the Antichrist, this is the beginning of the “beast”.
    Andrew Date: Saturday, 31.12.2022, 10:31 | Post # 2
    Group: Administrators
    Posts: 701
    Status: Offline
    The book "The Temple According to the Prophecy of Ezekiel, Project  1534" is supplemented.  
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